Friday, January 7, 2011

Stream of Consciousness....

Where to begin.  It's been so long since the last time I blogged, I don't remember what I've posted and what I haven't.  Anyhow, I'm sure it was before Christmas.  We had a wonderful Christmas Eve.  Tarry and family came for our annual fondue-fest.  We added a beef tenderloin to the mix this year.  This usually equals major stomach distress for me but, thankfully, I was OK.  My dear friend Michelle went to church with us and then spent the evening with us.  We had the Christmas Day festivities at my sister's house and that included even more beef.  Yikes!  We had Connor's 7th birthday party at Pump It Up with lots of his friends.  But, before we did that we had the joy of taking Daddy to get a colonoscopy the morning of Connor's birthday.  I should not have taken the kids to that.  I wasn't anticipating anything but "see you in 10 years" but we found out, alongside the kids, that they found a large polyp about 15 inches up the colon.  We had some tears.  Pathology to follow in 2 weeks.  Not the news we were hoping for.  Jim is only 41!  Get a colonoscopy, people, even if you're not 50 years old!.........Payton is in the midst of Peter Pan rehearsals and Connor just wants to ride his new bike.  Jim started his "new" (well, not-so-new, but reorganization-driven) job this week.  He was in Chicago all week.  Payton was home all week doing her at-home project while Connor went back to school.  We found out last night that Jim's polyp is benign.  Praise God for that news!  The dog, oh where to begin.  The dog began getting sick on Connor's birthday too.  Not a great day for the Chadwick's now that I think about it.  Barfing, diarrhea, you name it, she did it.  Four to five long days of that and anyone would be tempted to part ways with the dog.  Monday we found out she had a bacterial infection.  No more pooping after the very first dose of medication.  Praise God for that, too!..........Connor bought the new iPod touch with his birthday money.  The thing can't hold a charge for more than an hour.  Back to Apple we go.  Tonight at 5pm to be exact.  Nothing is easy.  Jim and I have been trying to find a time to see Little Fockers.  No such luck at this point.  Maybe this weekend.  We finally got our surround sound system complete over Christmas break.  Speakers, receivers, HDMI head was spinning.  It took me 15 minutes just to figure out how to turn on the Wii today.  And, HOW is this better?  Next week resumes some normalcy with both kids back in school.  We start our new small group in a few weeks.  We ordered a study on the book of James.  Really looking forward to that.  Just found out my Grama might come out and stay with us for a few weeks in February.  Really looking forward to that too.  Reminded every day that life here on earth is short, temporary....our temporary home.  I want to live like it.  Like it's temporary.  That can be a daily battle.  Happy New Year ya'll.............

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