Thursday, March 10, 2011

In case you missed it, we're doing it again!!

Serving people.  It's one of the things Jesus asks us to do.  At first glance, God is asking us to take the focus off ourselves.  Well, He is.  But when you look a little past that....after you've actually served realize that it wasn't just about the other people.  It was about you, too!  God uses your service to others to bless you in the way you need it the most.

When we did One Day Serve in December there was a gentleman painting a bedroom in someone's home.  He said that he was really wrapped up in his own problems.  Probably pretty down and possibly even deep in worry.  But, he said that "this" (serving someone else through One Day Serve) was going to "cure that".  It was going to "cure" some things for him.  God will use your service to others to bless YOU as much as the person you are blessing.

I remember a time in my life when I was really trying not to sin, but obviously I was always failing.  I thought being a Christian meant that I was expected to work extra hard at being sinless.  Despite knowing in my head that that is absolutely impossible, despite knowing that that is why Jesus endured what He did for me, I was having a hard time breaking free from that way of thinking.  Being a Christian is not a life of simply avoiding sin.  It is a life of living out what Christ calls us to do.  If we are serving others we will be so focused on that that we won't have to try to not sin.  I tell you this because I know it first hand!  When I am doing what God has called me to do (serve others) I am far too focused on that to even think about the need to "stop sinning".  It just happens naturally.  It's a far more joyful life, too.  I have no doubt God had it planned out that way. 

So, do what God asks you to do and join us on April 2nd for One Day Serve.  You won't regret it!

One Day Serve is April 2nd - Teaser from thecrossroadsaz on Vimeo.

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