Thursday, February 10, 2011


I'm about to leave to go to my sister's house.    She's pregnant.  Second trimester.  We're going to the doctor.  We found out on Monday that she is having a baby girl.  On Tuesday we found out there is some "concern".  Without going into too many details, the concern is Downs Syndrome.  I'm writing this to ask you to pray for Tarry this afternoon.  We are going in at 12:15 so she can have an amniocentesis.   Please pray that this is not painful for Tarr.  Pray for peace for her and Scott.  And, most of all, pray that this baby does not have Downs Syndrome.

This whole situation has really gotten me to thinking about how God works in us.  His heart is that we would turn to Him in situations like these.  God has allowed Tarry and Scott to endure some serious trials in the past few months.  Job loss and all the stress that comes along with it.  And, now this.  It really makes me think back to my own personal trials that drew me into a relationship with Jesus.  God used the loss of a baby and some health issues to cause me to recognize my need for Him.  I'm sure He had attempted to use many other trials and experiences in my life prior to that.  I just wasn't listening.  I didn't recognize it.  I didn't hear or see it.  I wasn't interested.  I am pretty sure I tried everything besides turning to God to remedy my "hurt".

Knowing about God and truly knowing Him are two very different things.  I think we sometimes rest in the fact that we know ABOUT God.  I'm pretty sure this is heart-breaking to Him considering the price He paid for us.  It is most definitely not up to me (or anyone else for that matter) to judge another persons faith.  I just say this so you DON'T miss it.  So you DO recognize it.  So you ARE listening.  So you ARE interested.   There is a purpose for our personal trials.  Don't discount it and, please, don't miss it!  God wants you to truly KNOW Him.

Thanks in advance for your prayers.  I love my sis and hate that she is going through this.  Your prayers mean EVERYTHING!


theo said...

hey God bless Tarry! and her baby!
when i was 34 i was pregnant with my son Jack, i went through all the tests and scares. My husband of 20 years started treating me like "dirt" not knowing but kinda knowing he wanted out for reasons, well the stress put me on bed rest.... we had just moved into a newly built home i had a new directors position and a baby on the way.... i was 6 months when my "husband" said he didn't love me anymore, but he'd stay for till the baby was born, my heart was dead.! my other children son 12 and daughter 10 were unaware of the issues their father put me through i didn't even tell my ob doctor. i was put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy and forwent the numerous tests the doctor suggested because of my age.
I went into premature labor at 8 months and my baby boy weighed a wonderful 7 lbs 2 oz.
~ i prayed everyday all day that my baby was safe! that this pregnancy would be cared for by God because of the abundant stress that was forced upon me! and Jac was born healthy, he is five now and has some health issues,along with developmental delays which he is overcoming however, life without this little guy wouldn't be life at all! I thank God for the opportunity to raise this wonderful boy Jac not alone but with the help of my loving family!

God Bless Tarry and her family!

Anonymous said...

Nancy you write so well, the message definitely touches the heart. Hugh and I have followed all of you kids through the years. Through your ups and downs prayers also followed you all.
Tarry and Scott, may God continue to bless you with strength during this time . No matter the outcome of all the tests, God, family and friends are with you...
Hugs, Paulette and Hugh

Melissa Loves Color said...
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D.Lake said...

Prayed for Tarry and Scott today. Thanks for sharing the request.