Thursday, March 3, 2011


Our Small Group is starting this coming Monday.  We're doing a study on the Book of James.  I've been excited to do this since the last One Day Serve in December!  Gosh, I ordered it and have had it sitting my my house since early January!  So, clearly, I'm excited about this!  This morning I was reading my email and I subscribe to a few blogs so I was reading through one of them and it was based on.....the Book of James!  Coincidence?  I thought it was good enough to share.  And just so the proper credit is due, the author of this is Perry Noble (Pastor of Newspring Church in South Carolina). 

Oh, I also wanted to say that this is written from the standpoint of "ministry".  I am sure many people believe that if you are in "ministry", you work for a church.  I have to say that I disagree with that.  Every believer has a "ministry".  It could be anything from "ministering" to the kids/teen/youth in your life to your extended family.  If you call yourself a follower of Christ, He has a "ministry" for just might not recognize what it is (just yet).  So, read this from the viewpoint that you DO have a ministry.....because you do!

#1 – Do I understand who I am?  James 1:1 – notice James didn’t identify himself as the brother of Jesus…but rather His servant!  WOW!

#2 – Do I understand that ministry IS NOT easy?  James 1:2-4 (when the writer BEGINS with these verses that’s a big time sign!)

#3 – Do I understand that I should spend more time on my face before God rather than worshipping the FACEBOOK God when seeking direction?  James 1:5

#4 – Do you think that James is trying to get a point across…it’s not going to be easy…but we are called to be “in it to win it!”  James 1:12

#5 – Do I understand it’s not IF I am tempted, but when…and IF I give into it then something WILL die?  James 1:13-15

#6 – Do I understand that I am NOT THAT GOOD…that everything is a gift?  James 1:16-18

#7 – HOW many bad decisions, arguments and misunderstandings could be avoided if we all simply memorized and applied James 1:19-20?  (Also see James 1:26)

#8 – Do I understand I am not called just to preach the Word…but live it?  James 1:22

#9 – Do I understand that showing favoritism WILL be a temptation…but I must always war against it?  James 2:1-4

#10 – Do I understand that I am called to live and lead by faith…and if I am not taking steps of faith in my life and ministry then my faith is DEAD?  James 2:14-26

#11 – Do I understand the weight of James 3:1?  WOW!!!

#12 – Do I fully understand that when I become envious and selfish then that is simply the beginning of the end?  James 3:13-18

#13 – Do I have the proper motives in regards to leading this ministry?  James 4:1-3

#14 – Am I being opposed by God or is He offering me grace?  James 4:6

#15 – Am I using my platform (whether it is speaking or the internet) to falsely attack, accuse and twist people’s words around?  James 4:11-12

#16 – Do I understand my days are numbered, that I’ve got one shot at this life and I need to do all that I can to honor the One who called me?  James 4:13-17

#17 – Do I understand that there are seasons of growth and seasons of preparation…and in those seasons of preparation I should not become impatient, but rather wait on God?  James 5:7-8

#18 – Do I understand that integrity HAS to be a priority in my life and ministry?  James 5:12

#19 – Do I understand that I cannot do this alone, that I need accountability in my life?  James 5:16

#20 – Do I fully comprehend James 5:17-18…that Elijah was just like one of us?  He literally called fire down from heaven!  He prayed for rain…and it rained!  I want THAT kind of faith!

#21 – Do I understand that ministry is messy…that I am called and expected to have tough conversations with the person that the Lord places on my heart, but in doing so the potential is unlimited?  James 5:19-20

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